Volunteer Connections
Volunteers not only help support our events, they strengthen our community. And we're excited you're interested in our volunteer opportunities at Arapahoe County.
We ask all potential volunteers to complete a background check to facilitate safe interactions between community members.
Arapahoe County Fair
Arapahoe County celebrates its Fair the last weekend of July each year at the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds in eastern Aurora. The fair is an incredible value for families looking for a full day of laughter and good wholesome fun. Sign up and see open opportunities.
Treat Street
Each year in October, the Arapahoe County Scaregrounds hosts Treat Street, an annual event for trick-or-treating and spooktacular family fun. Sign up and see open opportunities. Volunteer assistance is needed with:
- Games and activities
- Petting farm
- Costume contest
- Pumpkin painting
- And more!
Visit the Village
Each year in December, the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds and Event Center hosts Visit the Village, where attendees spend the day strolling through our local vendor village, making crafts, enjoying various children's activities, food, beverages, and more! Sign up and see open opportunities.
Help an Older Adult in Need this Winter
For individuals in need of assistance, snowy walkways and driveways create a safety hazard and can even be life-threatening. This program will match you with an older adult in need, within walking or short driving distance to your home. Your help will provide a genuinely needed service to your neighbor with the added bonus of a free, feel-good work-out! Sign up and see open opportunities.
CSU Extension: 4-H Project Leader
4-H Organizational, Project, and Resource Leaders teach youth new skills in one or more project areas. 4-H has 270 project areas to choose from, including gardening, arts, sewing, photography, cooking, cake decorating, model rocketry, livestock, and horse showing. Leaders are responsible for organizing and directing club meetings, teaching skills, and supporting 4-H youth as they prepare to exhibit their project work at county contests or the County Fair. Leaders also teach valuable skills such as leadership, ethics, decision-making, record-keeping, responsibility, and community service.
- Enrollment for new leaders begins every year in October.
- $5 first time and re-enrollment fee
- Learn more information about the 4-H Program and becoming a volunteer leader
17 Mile House Farm Park
Family fun and educational events are scheduled April through November in 2024. Visitors can step back in time at 17 Mile House, a 160-year old farm which served as an important resting stop for pioneers traveling on the Cherokee/Smoky Hill wagon trails in the 1860s. Volunteers lead tours, interpret historical and natural history, and provide hands-on experiences. Volunteers also create interpretive displays, maintain the gardens, and care for the historic collection of artifacts. Sign up and see open opportunities.
Sheriff's Office
For information on current volunteer opportunities with the Sheriff’s Office please email bwright3@thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com. Depending on the current opportunities, you may be asked to complete this Auxiliary Application.
Veterans Service Office
Event Volunteer
We host/attend several Veteran-specific events though out the year within the county. We'd love to have you help us with these one-time events. If you are interested in being contacted as event needs come up, sign up and we will call from the list as event volunteers are needed.
Veteran Volunteer
Add your name to our list for other volunteer opportunities or tells us about a skill you'd like to offer Veterans, like peer mentoring. Sign up and we'll see how we can get you involved.
Special Skills Volunteer
Do you have a special skill you know can make someone’s life better? It doesn’t matter what the skill is. It may be carpentry, auto repair, home design or even facepainting. If you have a special skill we can call on when there is a community need, let us know and we will put you down as a resource to use as volunteer opportunities in that area arise. Sign up and see open opportunities.
Get Started and Apply Now!
We appreciate your interest in our volunteer opportunities at Arapahoe County. Please note, all our volunteers may be subject to a background check.
To apply to any of our current volunteer opportunities please fill out an online application.
General Volunteer Questions
Email Sara Overby at soverby@thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com.
Court-Ordered Community Service Inquiries
Email communityservice@thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com